All the Believers at Generations

Alan Latta
James Neale

Laurie Zieger
Katie Beauchamp

Ephraim Garcia
Yvette Latta

CHURCH ELDER, Greg Harrell

Born in Las Cruces, New Mexico, Greg Harrell grew up and graduated from high school in Cloudcroft, NM before going to the U. S. Coast Guard Academy. After establishing a railroad career, Greg and his wife Marietta began their own business in 2001, which continues to successfully serve the rail industry.

Upon joining our congregation in worship for the first time at the end of 2001, the Harrell's jumped right in to help with our construction project. After the initial construction was completed, they began serving in more spiritual ways by using their home for verse by verse Bible studies and young adult ministry. They  have  served in other ministries within and outside of our congregation. Greg and Marietta continue to help strengthen and repair marriages and prepare newly engaged couples for their own solid Biblically-based marriage with the course they have written called, A Cord of Three Strands.

In 2008, Greg was ordained here as an Elder, a role in which he continues to serve faithfully.  

In his free time, Greg enjoys spending time with Marietta over-landing, traveling in their RV and on their ranch hiking and working with cattle. The Harrell's have been married for over 30 years.

Marietta serves faithfully as Greg's business partner and as an Elder's wife here at Generations. She is a creative writer with an ear to hear and deliver encouraging words in season.  




Born into a pastor's family in Minnesota, Alan was raised in Illinois, then Monrovia, Liberia and later in Bloomington, IL before moving with his family to Rhodesia - Zimbabwe - where they planted a congregation in 1976; which is now known as New Life Covenant Church of Harare.

A year after meeting Yvette Selbin there, they married and moved to Houston, Texas; where they started their own family and Alan completed his B. A. in Theology. Moving to the DFW area and then Granbury, their two children - Summer and Zane - were blessed to grow up in Hood County.  They are now both married and have wonderful children of their own.

Since 1991, Alan has been our first Senior Pastor and he also serves as one of our Elders.  His wife, Yvette is his partner in ministry in multiple ways. 

As Senior Pastor’s wife, she has served our congregation in Children, Youth, Women, and Worship Ministries.  Currently, she ministers to individuals and families through wise counsel and reconciliation ministry; as well as hosting Spirit led meetings in their home and beyond; which are called HouseFires.

Yvette is a unique communicator, careful to give Jesus Christ the glory Who gives her special insight for encouraging people, wherever she goes.

Click below to see a recent family photo.

CHILDREN'S PASTOR - Katie Beauchamp

Katie Beauchamp was born in Orlando, Florida and graduated from Boone High School in 1996.  After graduating, she enlisted in the United States Marine Corps where she served as a helicopter avionics technician for 5 years at Camp Pendleton, California.  While on active duty, Katie faithfully attended Calvary Chapel Fallbrook 

Later, while deployed in Okinawa, Katie met her husband Mike (also a Marine).  After marrying in 2003, they received military orders to serve in Pensacola, Florida; where they started their family and Katie worked on her undergraduate degree in Exercise Science from the University of West Florida; which she completed in 2006.  

Upon returning to California in 2007, Katie and Mike spent another 8 years there; where they faithfully attended Calvary Chapel Bible Fellowship in Temecula.  

Katie and Mike began attending Generations Church in 2017; while living in Saginaw as their home was being built in Granbury.  In 2019, Katie and Mike proudly moved in and called Granbury their home.  

They have 3 wonderful children, Preston, Sarah, and Jonah; whom Katie diligently homeschooled for 7 years; while bringing the life and love of Jesus to her children every day.  She also spent many years as an active participant in the Christian Homeschool Community.  

Katie was officially ordained as the Children’s Pastor of Generations Church of Granbury on Mother’s Day, 2022.  She considers sharing the love of Jesus with children the biggest honor and most important task of her life.  

Mike also serves in the Children’s Ministry alongside Katie and they have opened their home for Men’s Fellowships as well.  After 30 years of service, Mike retired from the Marine Corps in 2020.

The Beauchamp's enjoy spending free time with their children, playing on the water and working outdoors tending to the land, a garden, and some feisty chickens.




YOUTH PASTOR - Yvette Latta

Yvette (Selbin) Latta, our Senior Pastor’s wife, has served this congregation in Children, Youth, Women, and Worship Ministries from our early days in '92.  Currently, she is leading our Student Ministry Team as Youth Pastor while she continues to minister to individuals and families through reconciliation and wise counsel; as well as hosting Spirit led meetings in her home and beyond; which are called House Fires where saints are equipped and empowered for ministry.

Yvette Latta is a unique communicator, careful to give Jesus Christ the glory Who gives her special insight for encouraging people everywhere she goes.  

Coming from Harare, Zimbabwe (Salisbury, Rhodesia), Yvette moved to Houston, Texas with Alan - after marrying in '78 - where she became a U. S. Citizen on July 11, 1982.  Being very patriotic, she remains proud to be an American.

Having been married for 46+ years, the Latta's are being blessed through the lives of their daughter and son; who now have wonderful spouses and families of their own and are raising up 5 amazing (grand)children for God's purposes. 

Yvette Latta's email address:

Summer and Paul Okimoto with Preston and Bella

Zane and Jamie Latta with Brenlyn, Braya, and Bryson