Yvette (Selbin) Latta, our Senior Pastor’s wife, has served this congregation in Children, Youth, Women, and Worship Ministries from our early days in '92. Currently, she is leading our Student Ministry Team as Youth Pastor while she continues to minister to individuals and families through reconciliation and wise counsel; as well as hosting Spirit led meetings in her home and beyond; which are called House Fires where saints are equipped and empowered for ministry.
Yvette Latta is a unique communicator, careful to give Jesus Christ the glory Who gives her special insight for encouraging people everywhere she goes.
Coming from Harare, Zimbabwe (Salisbury, Rhodesia), Yvette moved to Houston, Texas with Alan - after marrying in '78 - where she became a U. S. Citizen on July 11, 1982. Being very patriotic, she remains proud to be an American.
Having been married for 46+ years, the Latta's are being blessed through the lives of their daughter and son; who now have wonderful spouses and families of their own and are raising up 5 amazing (grand)children for God's purposes.
Yvette Latta's email address: yvettelatta@yahoo.com
Her Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/yvette.latta?ref=ts